Monday, November 28, 2022

The Perfect Storm

(Immorality, sex without boundaries)

Personal Pollution 
(Impurity, Personal Attitude, Actions & Culture that infect ourselves & others)

Power & Greediness

These 3 Culprits create THE PERFECT STORM that sabotage us.

Joey, OSU Baseball Player
“ generation has grown up in a world based on fallacies. Tip toeing around feelings. No definite "winner or loser". Everyone I know that has graduated and moved into the real world has quickly realized that is not the case. This has led to people I love really struggling with the transition, struggling finding the point of what's next. Young professionals everywhere are desperately looking for an answer to that question. We grow up, surrounded by our friends, doing what is fun. We communicate with them constantly via Snapchat, text, social media, etc. and then one day it's all gone - or at least it's not the same. People are Desperately looking for someone somewhere to give them responsibility, and give it to them in a way where there is no cookie cutter tip toeing to the point. That means something to my generation. We have grown up in a virtual world, and can clearly tell what is real and what is not. The truth is that life is tough and honestly too many people are scared to say it.

READ Ephesians 4 & 5 and you will observe that Paul repeats these 3 CULPRITS 3 Times.

"...they, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness." (Ephesians 4.19)

"...But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you..." (Ephesians 5.3)

"...know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man..." (Ephesians 5.5)

Do You Think this is True for us Today or was that an ancient cultural thing?

❓What does Paul prescribe to help us sabotage these Saboteurs?

❓What 3 Illustrations or Metaphors does Paul present to help us sabotage the Saboteurs?


MI3 Executive Forum Google Slides Presentation of "The Perfect Storm" Session:

Let's talk about all this Friday at:
"MI3" Executive Forum
6.30-8.00 AM

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