Friday, June 16, 2023

Serving "Shrwisely"


“Why should the devil have all the good music?” Back in the 60’s and 70’s Larry Norman wrote a song by this title, expressing, among other things, that it seems that the “enemy” is always out in front taking good & beautiful things and using it for evil.

Today’s MI3 Forum was essentially bringing our attention to the absolute, non-negotiable, necessity of being shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves (Mt.10.16) when subduing, ruling & reigning in our 20 square ft. We need heavenly wisdom & skill to navigate and take dominion in our spheres of influence to sacrificially recreate God’s Kingdom economy here on earth as it is in heaven (Mt 6.10).

We explored (Luke 16.1-13) as our primary focus, where it seems like God is applauding the unscrupulous ways of an employee who is looking out for his own good. While we instinctively know that just cannot be the case, there IS something about his shrewdness (or is it wisdom?) that is to be heeded.

Read this passage, even the chapter and maybe even the chapter preceding this and the chapter following it. Take some time to think / meditate on this.

Can you think of where the first expression of shrewdness is mentioned in the Bible? (Genesis 3).

2023.06.16 MI3 Executive Forum Google Slides Presentation

W. Jay Moon | Economics and Mission: The Connected Complexity of Cultures

Just after the the "MI3" forum this morning Jay Curatti added:

"...while thinking about this morning’s conversation regarding the shrewd decisions and parable from Jesus in Luke 16, a note suggested looking at Romans 16:17-18 to shed some light on the parable. Whereas Jesus is talking with Pharisees and giving a foundation of this business dealing for them (and us!) to ponder, maybe Paul gives us some ‘marching orders’ in how to apply it. He exhorts the readers (and us!) to be careful of the smooth talk and flattery of the social agendas and conversations of today so our hearts aren’t deceived, but rather be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil. Maybe Jesus was providing the knowledge and Paul followed up with the wisdom, which is application of knowledge. We need both wisdom and discernment so we can confidently draw a line in the sand and stand for what is right by being shrewd in our dealings. Just some random thoughts..."

